Why Choose Us ?

Valley Forest Products Ltd. has been in business supplying quality alder, maple, birch and apple firewood since 1980. With over 35+ years in business, Valley Forest Products Ltd. servicing restaurants in British Columbia. This growth is due to the fact that the firewood that we provide is a well split, top quality hardwood. With excellent product and service, Valley Forest Products Ltd. will continue to grow.

Our wood is split from firewood rounds into 4 - 6" pieces with a length of 16". The firewood is then stacked and cured in specially designed solar heated shelters. They are dried until the moisture content is less than 20% (usually takes 8 months). This allows for maximum heat generation and decreases creosote build-up in the chimney. After 8 months the firewood is removed and shipped to our clients. At this point we offer an additional service of stacking the firewood on location.

When you compare wood dealer prices and understand the volume compared to the price, you will find that our prices are very competitive.

Prices for Vancouver area:

Includes Delivery in Greater Vancouver area

Step 1

Hard logs are delivered to one of the two central processing locations.

Step 2

The hardwood logs are sawed in 14" to 16" firewood rounds.

Step 3

A hydraulic wood splitter converts the rounds into 4" to 6" diameter pieces

Step 4

The firewood is stacked and cured in specially designed solar heated shelters

Step 5

After an 8 month period, the firewood is removed and shipped to our clients.

Burning Wood Helps the Environment

In addition to the beauty and warmth it offers, a fire burning efficiently in an advanced, clean-burning wood stove or fireplace can provide real environmental benefits. These days the media is full of reports about the need to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. These gases, carbon dioxide in particular, are causing the average global temperatures to rise each year. If left unchecked, the resulting climate changes will create great hardship for all of us. The best way to help the environment is to reduce the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas.

While saving and aesthetics probably inspire most people who heat with wood, the health of the environment is another good reason. Wood differs from fossil fuels because it is renewable. As a tree grows, it absorbs carbon dioxide from the air and stores it in the wood as carbon. This carbon makes up about half of the weight of the wood. When wood is burned, carbon dioxide is released again into the atmosphere, the same amount that would have been released had the tree died naturally and rotted on the forest floor. In short, our forests can provide a perpetual fuel supply if they are cared for and managed properly.

Let energy from the forest light up your hearth this winter and do the environment a favour at the same time.

Article from Home and Garden 2001 dated Sunday September 16, 2001 THE LANGLEY TIMES